for all of the RAIN!!! Yesterday was all we could handle being indoors. Playdough and coloring is fun for only so long. So this morning when we awoke to find it still raining we were a little less than impressed. So Jenny and I took our kids and the Clayton's to Chucky E Cheeses. It is amazing how excited a kid can get over a large pizza and those little rides (like the ones they have outside of walmart). Brad came with us and helped keep track of everyone and taught the kids all about winning the tickets at the games so they could get a prize (for kids a tootsie roll is amazing).
Bryn got her shots this morning and has been fussy most of the day. Poor kid I feel bad for her. Lots of crying going on at our house. Hopefully she will be able to sleep well tonight since she hasn't slept at all during the day. I have a feeling however that it might be a bit of a rough night. Tylenol hasn't worked for her yet today.