Friday, April 30, 2010

Surgery Date

We have set Lauren's surgery date for May 6th. She will undergo an open heart procedure to fix her VSD. I will be spending the next few days stressing over everything that could be stressed about (sometimes ignorance is bliss). She will be in C.I.C.U for a few days and then in the hospital for a week. The doctors say that she will be back to her old self in about 4-6 weeks after the procedure. p.s for those of you who are interested here is a you tube link to see the procedure. It is an actual procedure so if blood or anything medical makes you squeamish you should pass.


Rivka said...

You'll all be in my prayers, Adee. Good luck little one!

Steph said...

We will definitely be praying for you Adrienne. You have the best doctors in the US. What a blessing to be at CHOP. Kiss those sweet girls for me. We love you and will be thinking of you.

KT said...

I think I've posted on your blog that my husband had a VSD when he was born and had 2 open heart surgeries to repair it.

He now has a healthier heart than pretty much anyone I know. She will do good. He said he can tell you about it anytime if you want.
