Grandma Murray was able to come out to visit us for the past week. The girls had a lot of fun. They played their hearts out as well as enjoyed some fun outings to Lancaster and also to Longwood Gardens (which I have been dying to take her to since I first went a few years ago.) We are excited for her to come back soon.
Here are the girls at Longwood in front of their favorite bush!! Honeysuckle! (Sunnyhuckle as Bryn calls it)
Kenna really wanted to have a picture with just her dad in front of this waterfall.
A big old tree
Kenna listening to the bee's make honey in this beehive.
We went to an Amish farm and house. It was very interesting and the girls had a ton of fun walking around the farm. Omar took us on a buggy ride and let Kenna sit by him and "help" drive the team. By help I mean he let her hold one of the reins.
Bryn was fine in the buggy it wasn't until the end of the ride and we put her up front with Kenna that she was freaked out. I guess that was too close to the horses for her liking.
The Pennsylvania Railroad museum was Bryn's favorite. She was so excited to see a CHOO CHOO! She kept saying it over and over again, "Mom a choo choo see!"
Watching the train get ready to go was the highlight of Bryn's Lancaster trip.
This was Kenna's.