Friday, May 7, 2010

Post OP. Day 2

As you can see she is doing much better. She got her chest tube out today and her Arterial line was removed as well. This has given her a bit more mobility so she is less anxious. She has opened her eyes a few times today, but only for a few minutes. They are still keeping her on the drugged side so she doesn't hurt herself. She has a few "normal" arrhythmia's that are typically seen after open heart surgery so they are monitoring those still. She is eating a little. We have just been putting a bottle in her mouth and she is drinking about 80-90 ml every three hours or so. I am pleased with her progress. Hopefully we will be able to hold her today.

Kenna wanted to send her some flowers. I told her that I wasn't sure if they would let flowers on her unit. So she drew some flowers in a vase for her instead. The squares around the flowers is the table clothe I had to ask Kenna what they were and she answered in a tone implying I was an idiot, "it's the table clothe mom".
We taped the picture on the foot of her bed so Lauren could see it. Kenna and Bryn are excited to come tomorrow and see her. This makes mom nervous as Bryn is not a gentle child.


Mr. & Mrs. Bailey said...

Hope she recovers fast!! And all goes well!! We love you guys!!!

Kate Larsen said...

Aw, man! It's hard to see her in a hospital bed and I know you want everything to be back to normal ASAP. You are strong and I know you can get through this. We love you.

Grama Sherri said...

Just want you to know we love you all. Our prayers have been so focused with Lauren, but I know it has been hard on you as well, watching her go through all of this. We are praying for you too, and wish we could be there to hug you and watch with you. Grama sherri

Steph said...

Wow Adrienne. Little Lauren is so tough. She looks so sweet and precious in these pictures. We love you guys. We will keep praying for you. Happy mother's day.