Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Riding her bike.

Kenna and I had practiced all day the other day on riding her bike. She was having a hard time pedaling, steering, and watching where she was going (2 to many tasks) She finally had it mastered for the most part and couldn't wait until dad came home so she could show him. Before showing him that she could do it she asked if he knew how and if he would like to ride her bike. He said he could but only if she could help him. It was so funny! She now loves to ride her bike.


Jessica and Tom said...

Brad, that pink helmet fits you perfectly!! Too bad there is not a video of the event I am chuckling imagining it and can only picture myself rolling on the ground with laughter if I were actually there. Good job on the skirts and bows very cute. Maybe you will meet someone named Brianne or Tim and you will already be prepared for a birthday present. (that's right there is always a silver lining)

Tiffany said...

I too am laughing just looking at the pictures. I had a hard time getting it out when Nathan asked me what was so funny.

JC and Jena said...

Ha ha! Now you all see why it was so hard growing up with Brad when something was suppose to be serious.

Kellie said...