Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Franklin Institute

Kenna, Bryn, and I went to the Franklin Institute so that the house would be quiet for the studding taking place in the basement. This place is awesome! When you come next we will go it is a great museum. This is Kenna in front of the statue of Ben Franklin.
One of the Electricity exhibits.
The giant Heart. You can walk through it and follow the path of blood in and out of your heart.
A scale you can stand on that will tell by your weight how much blood in heart. Kenna had 3 cups, I had 15 cups!
This game you pick the ailment and then pull a lever and a ball rolls through and then lands at a particular time period. Then it tells you the treatment for that ailment during that time period.
A paper making exhibit. And we only visited one floor. We need to go back and do the other 2!


Genevieve said...

Wow- I that sounds so cool! I've just resorted to listening to music on the computer with headphones and digi scrapping while Jeremy studies- your way sounds cooler than mine!